Ezekiel, A Supernatural Man Prophesied: The Re-Establishment of Israel After 1878 Years Of Obliteration, A Terrible Genocide & Attack From Countries Led By Russia.

In "one day", May 14, 1948, something incredible happened that has never happened in the history of the world. And to the astonishment of every nation, an ancient country was “reborn” / re-established, after having been annihilated along with their second temple by the Roman Empire and it's inhabitants dispersed 1,878 years prior: The ancient country of Israel! No country has ever returned after a hundred years of annihilation - let alone almost 2 millennia. And during all that time, they were persecuted and laughed at, and told they would never get their country back, but they persevered. Now if that wasn't enough, would you believe that it was prophecied 2500 years earlier and written down? Yes in the ancient Book of Ezekiel, located in the Old Testament, this was an extraordinary ancient prophecy finally come true.1 Written by what many called the oracle of God or Prophet Ezekiel. Was this supernatural or people simply fulfilling their frevent desires, as supporters or Zionists2 made it happen: the UN, the UK, Jews and the Masons.3? There's a big debate on this. So you be the judge.

Now prior to being driven away by the Romans, the Jewish people had been living in the lands of Israel and Judea as far back as even before the proven 3200 years ago (with the exception of forcefully being moved briefly by the Babyloneons during the 6th century BC): "The Merneptah Stele dating to 3210 years ago... has gained much fame and notoriety for being the only Ancient Egyptian document generally accepted as mentioning "Isrir" or "Israel". It is also, by far, the earliest known attestation of Israel. "15 Please note, while you find writings, coins, tablets, ancient ruins all attributed to Israel/Jewish people, you never find anything attributed to the Palestinians? (More on this below)

Nevertheless, during the Ottoman Empire rule of the region, it was scarcely populated by Arabs, Jews, and Samaritans, and there were none identified as Palestinians. "In 1920, Britain assumed responsibility for Palestine under a League of Nations Mandate. During the next two decades, over 100,000 Jews entered the country. The British Army's operations in Palestine during this period were mainly directed against militant Arab groups who were opposed to this mass Jewish immigration."18 Many Muslims, and Armenians also came for employment on infrastructure construction. In 1948, the Arabs were indignant regarding the "birth of Israel",6 and along with the support from the Arab League, were told to leave their properties in order for the Arab League to launch attacks on the new (ancient) country, 1948-1949; but these attacks were botched and those landowners couldn't return due to being parties to this conspiracy, and lost their lands. Many more wars followed, "1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, and 2006." 4

The Name "Palestinians" & The Jewish Banishment & Diaspora

As I mentioned earlier, in 70 AD, sick of the Jewish uprisings in the lands of Israel and Judah, "Roman Emperor Hadrian wanted to humiliate and punish the Jews by eliminating any Jewish association with the land. He therefore used the Latin name Palestina [after] the ancient non-Jewish inhabitants of the coast—the people of Philistia. Only since the second century A.D. has the name Palestine been used for the region, and in a decidedly pagan context, to say the least."

Now these ancient people, the Philistines of Palestina, were a race of colonists / immigrants from the Greek Isles (where my ancestors are from) that lived in the Gaza area in the ancient times, and often warred with the Israelis until both were invaded, and exiled by the Babyloneans to Babylon 2500 years ago). The Israelis were allowed to return 70 years later, and most did, but the Philistines assimilated into prosperous Babylon and ceased existing as a separate people. 5

The Current War, More Prophecies of Genocide & An Invasion.

The latest attack by the Hamas terrorists on Oct 7, 2023, has led to war raging in the Gaza Strip, Israel trying to rescue the prisoners and destroy Hamas once and for all. The fighting methods of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Fatah (PLO) have always involved using their own people as human shields, a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions19(e.g. Hamas headquarters & tunnels under the Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza, armaments & offices next to schools, and daycares or right in the middle of apartment buildings, not to mention tunnels under the cities.)20 with the hope of mass casualties of their own to cause people in the west to pressure their governements not to support Israel, especially in the USA. This method seems to be working as over 30,000 civilians have died to date; and college campuses have exploded with demonstrations and even riots. Although many are peaceful, they disrupt classes by taking over, camping on campus property, refusing to leave, blocking students from class, especially Jewish students, harrassing them, engaging in antisemitism, making a lot of noise and drama, and disturbing the classes so much so the schools have cancelled classes, postponed graduation ceremonies and even law school exams. These are demanding their schools divest themselves from any dealings with Israel or Isreali companies and organizations, and the USA cease supporting Israel with weaponry to force a cease fire.

However, the Israelis contend they cannot cease until they have rescued all prisoners, and eliminated Hamas because failing to do so will result in future attacks from Hamas. And this is easy to prove since Hamas' 1988 charter says among other things: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" 16 And both Hamas and Palestinians and supporters often use the slogan chanted "River to the Sea" which may be interpreted as complimentary to the charter statement.17 You be the judge.

More Prophecies: Genocide & A Spectacular Invasion.

Therefore the Israelis are damned to future murders, rapes and tortures of their citizens if they cease their attacks, and damned if they continue because they could lose US funding. And Iran recently attacked Israel and was attacked back; thus it's only a matter of time before all out war breaks out in the middle east. Recently a question was posed: What would Israel do if Hamas resorted to using nuclear weapons? And based on their past actions, I would say respond with the same; only with greater force. Eventually, I'm sad to say either the genocide of the Israelis by Hamas et al terrorists will occur, or of that of the Palestinians by the Israelis attacking back. Now would you believe that this has been prophecied also? Yes another ancient prophet, living at the time of Ezekiel, Obadiah prophecied the destruction of the Palestinians (the House of Esau). 10 Nevertheless, could this be the beginnings of WWIII? Hold on to your hats because only time will tell as troubles are moving fast. The US, Turkey and other nations have sent their navies to keep this war from getting out of control.

The Prophecy Of The Battle of Gog & Magog: Invaders/Attackers:

Another prophecy of Ezekiel was that of the Battle of Gog and Magog whereby a few countries surround and attack Israel but are annialated. And here are the countries involved in that war or Battle or the spirits of those lands, guiding them, referenced by their ancient names are: 4

  • (Rosh)(Gog) Russia,
  • (Magog) all the stans: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan
  • (Cush) An ancient kingdom consisting of Northern Sudan,
  • (Put) An ancient kingdom consisting of: Libya, Algeria and Tunisia
  • (Gomer) (Tubal) & (Beth-togarmah) Turkey
  • (Persia) Iran
  • Ethiopia
  • The Victims

    Modern Israel consists of both the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah (the former was the 11 of the 12 tribes of Israel, and the latter is the oldest brother of the 11. These split after the death of King Solomon.) Nevertheless have the above attacking countries been hostile to Israel in modern times? Absolutely. Thus the invaders will attack Israel from every side. "The invading armies include Russia and Turkey from the north, Sudan/Libya (possibly including Algeria and Tunisia) from the south and west, and Iran from the east."5 However, neither the USA nor Europe are mentioned coming to the defense of Israel. Why would this be?6 But there are 2 more enemies of Israel missing, Syria 21, and the Palestinians themselves? 10

    About Ezekiel (In Hebrew Yeḥezqel)

    Ezekiel lived in ancient Jerusalem working as a priest at the first Temple. Most noted for writing the ancient book named after him. He was taken captive along with most of the Israelis/Judaians to Babylonia, during the destruction of Jerusalem and the 1st Temple in 597 BC (BCE). "Ezekiel's religious call came in July 592 when as a captive, had a vision of the “throne-chariot” of God."12Ezekiel's description of the the Hebrew and later the Christian God is quite horrifying: As a being made of "fire" from the waist down and from the waist up, a human looking figure but "amber" hot "with fire all around".13 Ezekiel prophesied that his people would return to Israel in the "latter times" to rebuild their temple, (temple #3, has not been rebuilt yet because the Dome of the Rock built between AD 685 and 69114 , the Muslim Mosque, currently exists at that location.

    Best Way To End This Article & Haters, Please Take Heed For Your Sakes

    "There is an apocryphal story about a conversation between the 19th-century Jewish-born British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli and the reigning monarch at the time, Queen Victoria. When Victoria asked Disraeli if there was a miracle that could prove God's existence, Disraeli is reported to have said: "The survival of the Jews." Indeed, we Jews have survived against all odds. Despite 4,000 years of persecution, expulsions, pogroms, genocides and forced conversions, we Jews are still here. Not only have we survived, but we have flourished and contributed to the societies we were a part of." 22

    Stay tuned for more updates and articles on this series.



    (1) Ezekiel Chapter 37, NKJV
    (2) https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/zionism
    (3)According to the Masonic Encyclopedia of Free Masonry: "Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... " ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company.]
    (4) The spectacular battle of Gog and Magog described in the Prophecy of Ezekiel you can check it out in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 38.
    (5)Roman Emperor Hadrian wanted to humiliate and punish the Jews by eliminating any Jewish association with the land. He therefore used the Latin name Palestina for the ancient non-Jewish inhabitants of the coast—the people of Philistia. Only since the second century A.D. has the name Palestine been used for the region, and in a decidedly pagan context, to say the least.
    (6) https://www.britannica.com/event/Arab-Israeli-wars & most recent https://twitter.com/i/status/1712456473303826874
    (7) https://www.foi.org/2021/12/10/the-battle-of-gog-and-magog/
    (8) Could it be due to prophecies from The Book of Revelation Chapter 18, Isaiah Chapter 18 & Sharia 18?
    (9) https://www.hrw.org/report/2010/02/01/stateless-again/palestinian-origin-jordanians-deprived-their-nationality#:~:text=We%20are%20Jordanians%20if%20the,want%20something%20from%20the%20government.&text=More%20than%20half%20of%20the,%2C%20today's%20Israel%2C%20and%20Gaza.
    (10)The Book of Obadiah describes the destruction of the House of Esau. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Obadiah+18&version=NKJV.
    (11) Isaiah chapter 17 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+17&version=NKJV
    (12) https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ezekiel-Hebrew-prophet
    (13) The Book of Ezekiel Chapter 1:27 "Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around." No wonder He doesn't want anyone to draw him nor sculpt him.
    (14) https://www.britannica.com/topic/Dome-of-the-Rock
    (15) https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=1561
    (16) https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp
    (17) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/river-to-the-sea-pale
    (18) https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/conflict-Palestine#:~:text=In%201920%2C%20Britain%20assumed%20responsibility,to%20this%20mass%20Jewish%20immigration.
    (19) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#:~:text=Legal%20background,-Main%20article%3A%20Human&text=Forcing%20protected%20persons%20to%20serve,and%20the%201998%20Rome%20Statute.
    (20) Hamas et al terrorists using their people as human shields:
    (21) Destruction of Demascus & surrounding towns in Syria
    (22)Queen Victoria's very influencial Prime Minister: Benjamin Disraeli
    [ ] Brackets are used to correct the spelling of a person's quote or add more descriptive words to avoid English and Literature Teachers from having a heart attack, LoL.

    By Chief Editor Angelo-Lk-Whatcom-Rider-Writer, Originally Published in another publication in October 2023, currently: 5-11-2024 Updated:
    Illustrations: Any ugly illustrations present, are drawn in a feverish hurry of 1-3 minutes by yours truly under his high school pen name Zouk
    About The writer: I've lived in Bellingham since February, 2011, and love the beautiful trees & greenery producing all that oxygen, and of course, the lake, bay, hills and mountains too. I've also been in the lovely Anacortes area for part of that time, going back and forth, since moving here.
    Educational/Professional Background: Economics & Political Science Degrees at UCF. Attended Graduate School of Economics at FSU, and have worked for the FL Labor Dept as well as consulted for the FL Labor Dept on behalf of the US Labor Dept. I've been happily working in my own businesses since 1993.

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